Dans un long article de l’hebdomadaire britannique The Observer consacré à la situation politique en France, un passage sur le décalage entre les médias et la société, où à côté de la couverture obsessionnelle de "l’insécurité" par les chaînes TV, on peut aussi savourer le passage sur un journaliste du service politique de Libération expliquant qu’il est important de signaler que Jospin s’habille en costumes Armani.
« A new French Revolution
After Le Pen’s shock triumph, it’s like 1968 again, but this time the Left is in tatters
Paul Webster in Paris, Rory Carroll in Rothau and Pierre Tran in Lille
Sunday April 28, 2002
The Observer
In Lille, a Socialist fiefdom an hour’s TGV ride from Paris, students at the country’s most independent journalist college can hardly contain their anger at the failure of France’s intellectual press, including Libération (created by Jean-Paul Sartre), Le Monde , and the weekly Nouvel Observateur, at failing to pick up fascist signals or refusing to think the unthinkable before 21 April.
’The national press is Paris-based and did not get out in the country and listen to the people,’ Elsa Fayner, 24, said during a student café discussion. ’We had a journalist from Libération ’s political desk here telling us why it was important to report Jospin wore Armani suits.’
Ludovic Gonty, 24, was even more scathing when talking about the ’superficial, simplistic and sensationalist’ TV networks which concentrated on reporting violent crime, stoking up Le Pen’s message, lamely pursued by both Chirac and Jospin as the national priority. »
30 avril 2002. Mise à jour : 12 mai 2002.