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Charter of the professional duties of french journalists

A journalist worthy of the name :

 assumes responsibility of all that he writes ;

 considers the slander, unfounded accusations, alteration of documents, distortion of facts, and lying to be the most serious professional misconduct ;

 recognizes the jurisdiction of his colleagues as the only one which is sovereign in matters of professional honour ;

 accepts only such assignments that are compatible with his professional dignity ;

 renounces to invoke an imaginary title of quality, use disloyal means to get information or take advantage of the good faith of anybody ;

 does not receive money in a public service or a private enterprise where his status of journalist, his influence and his relations may be made use of ;

 does not sign articles of commercial or financial advertising ;

 does not commit any plagiarism ;

 does not claim the position held by another colleague nor does cause him to be dismissed by offering to work under inferior conditions ;

 keeps the professional secrecy ;

 does not make use of the freedom of the press with profit-seeking intentions ;

 demands the freedom to honestly publish his information ;

 respects justice and gives it top priority ;

 does not confuse his role with a policeman’s.

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