Accueil > Critiques > (...) > 2000-2002 : distorsions de la couverture médiatique

Une analyse prémonitoire

Dans une étude datée du 25 juin 2001 (lien périmé), Greg Philo (The Glasgow University Media Group ) met en évidence les effets des distorsions de l’information dans les nouvelles télévisées. Voici un extrait.

« Bad news from Israel : media coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict by Greg Philo

If you don’t understand the Middle East crisis it might be because you are watching it onTV news. This scores high on images of fighting, violence and drama but is low on explanation. The Glasgow University Media Group interviewed twelve small audience groups (a total of eighty five people) with a cross-section of ages and backgrounds. They were asked a series of questions about the conflict and what they had understood from TV news. The same questions were then put to 300 young people (aged between 17 and 22) who filled in a questionnaire. We asked what came to their mind when they heard the words ’Israeli/Palestinian conflict’ and then what was the source of whatever it was. Most (82%) listed TV news as their source and these replies showed that they had absorbed the ’main’ message of the news, of conflict, violence and tragedy, but that many people had little understanding of the reasons for the conflict and its origins. Explanations were rarely given on the news and when they were, journalists often spoke obliquely, almost in a form of short-hand. For example, in a news bulletin which featured the progress of peace talks, a journalist made a series of very brief comments on the issues which underpinned the conflict :

Journalist : The basic raw disagreements remain - the future, for example, of this city Jerusalem, the future of Jewish settlements and the returning refugees. (ITN 18.30 16.10.2001) Such a statement requires background knowledge to be understood. ’Refugees’ are cited as a key issue. Our main audience sample of 300 young people were asked where these Palestinian refugees had come from and how they had become refugees ? Just 8% knew that the refugees were displaced from their homes and land when Israel was established in 1948. »

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